Pop-up shops are taking over the retail world, transforming the way consumers purchase food, clothing, make-up, and now cosmetic injectables. This is not necessarily a good thing.
In this article, we talk about what to look for when you visit aninjectables bar, and why you may want to consider having your treatments done by an experienced, reputable medical professional.
Your Safety is the Law of the Land
Cosmetic injectables may be non-invasive, but they are not without risk. That is why in Australia, cosmetic medicine injections must be done by a medical doctor or performed by a registered nurse under the guidance of a medical doctor. It’s the law of the land.
Cosmetic Injectables Bars are Popping Up
Pop-up injectablesshops are, by definition, here-today-gone-tomorrow businesses with short-term leases in high-traffic area such as malls, city centres, and busy streets. They are not trying to build a roster of satisfied, returning customers. Instead, a pop-up shop depends on impulse buying to fill chairs, with no appointment necessary to kill the impulse.
“Cosmetic injectables should not be done in a spa where you don’t always know exactly who is injecting you, and where it is presented in the same context as a hot stone massage or a facial scrub…Nor should it be done in someone’s house where the doctor can’t control the cleanliness or the lighting.” Dr Andrew Elkwood, plastic surgeon
Cosmetic Injectables Should Not Be an Impulse Buy
“It will appeal to people who took a few hours to shop at Bloomingdale’s, to secretaries on their lunch hours, to people who live and work in the neighbourhood,” Dr Michael I. Rose told The New York Times. Rose, is a plastic surgeon and the owner of Smoothmed, a storefront injectables bar in New York City. “We will be getting (tourists) who think on a whim, ‘I wouldn’t normally do this at home, but we’re in New York, so let’s try it.’”
“Impulse” and “whim” are not words that should be used in connection with cosmetic enhancement of any kind, including non-invasive treatments such as cosmetic injectables to reduce wrinkles. A successful outcome occurs when a patient thoroughly understands the treatments and has realistic expectations regarding the outcome.
Experience Trumps Cost and Convenience
Doctors and registered nurses who specialise in administering these injections contend that convenience and pricing are inappropriate criteria for choosing a cosmetic medical provider.Pop-up cosmetic injectables bars
“…may be trivializing the procedure the way the teeth-whitening center on the corner trivializes dentistry, taking it out of the context of overall teeth health and maintenance,” Dr. Fredric S. Brandt, dermatologist.
To keep costs low and profits high, pop-up cosmetics bars can’t afford to see clients as individuals. Instead, they operate in a conveyer-belt-like atmosphere offering generic treatments so that a maximum number of people can be served.
4 Signs of a Trustworthy Cosmetics Injectables Bar
Before agreeing to a cosmetic treatment at a pop-up injectables bar, a medical professional should
- Take your medical history
- Examine your face
- Discuss your expectations
- Explain the benefits and risks of using cosmetic injectables
For more information about the rejuvenating benefits of anti-wrinkle treatments with cosmetic injectables, contact your dermatologist, or click here for our article on anti-wrinkle treatments.