Message from AAFNS Chair, Catherine Meller
As the founder of the Australian Academy of Facial Nerve Surgeons, I am deeply committed to transforming the way we approach the treatment of facial palsy. Our vision is clear: to provide world-class care for every individual affected by facial paralysis, ensuring that no one has to face this challenge alone.
Facial palsy, in all its forms, affects not only a person’s physical appearance but also their emotional well-being, social interactions, and overall quality of life. I believe that effective treatment goes beyond surgery—it’s about compassionate care, understanding, and support at every stage of the journey.
I am driven by a shared passion for advancing the science of facial nerve repair, combining cutting-edge surgical techniques with a personalized, patient-centered approach. I envision a future where the impact of facial palsy is minimized, where early diagnosis leads to better treatment, and where every person has access to the specialized care they deserve.