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Rhinoplasty Recovery Timetable

You did your research. You made your plan. You found an experienced surgeon to reshape your nose with artistry and expertise. It’s only natural that you want to see how your new nose looks and feels right way. Keep in mind, however, that rhinoplasty is major surgery and you’ve got some healing to do.

Each operation is unique, customised for the specific anatomy and goals of the person undergoing the procedure. Recovery will vary from patient to patient. However, knowing what to expect, in general, will make things easier and less scary for you as you heal.

Rhinoplasty – 7-10 Days Post-Op

You’ll wear a nasal splint for the first 7-10 days after your rhinoplasty. There will be moderate swelling and bruising around your eyes, which may last up to two weeks. Your nose will probably feel very stuffed-up after your surgery and, unfortunately, you should not blow your nose for at least one week.

Mild to moderate discomfort after your nose reshaping surgery is common, and pain medication may be prescribed. Most people feel comfortable enough to stop taking pain pills within 48 hours of their procedure. Nausea is also common after general anaesthesia, and prescription medications may be given to alleviate these symptoms.

You will likely feel well enough and look appropriate to return to work within 10 days after your rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty Recovery – The First Month and Beyond

You’ll need to sleep on your back for a few weeks following surgery to avoid placing any pressure on your nose. You may wear contact lenses immediately after nose surgery, but avoid glasses for at least six weeks.

You should also avoid strenuous activity for up to four weeks after your surgery.  Healing times vary, so be sure to check with your surgeon before your return to work, including your work-out schedule, if you have one.

Seeing Results from Your Rhinoplasty

Results from rhinoplasty surgery will begin to be revealed after the first week or so,  once the swelling starts to go down and your surgeon takes off the protective nasal splint. The swelling, though lessened, will make nasal breathing difficult for about 3 weeks after the surgery.

Most, if not all, the swelling will be gone two months after the surgery. You’ll see your nose becoming more refined and assuming its permanent shape over the following months. It can, however, take up to 12 months for all residual swelling to abate and for the results of the surgery to be fully apparent.