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5 Questions for Your First Face Lift Consultation

Are you considering facelift surgery and trying to identify the best possible surgeon, and feeling a little stuck? That’s natural. If you’ve never had a facelift or cosmetic enhancement, you may have no idea what questions to ask. Or you may feel that asking questions about a surgeon’s background or credentials is inappropriate.

You should never feel intimidated or embarrassed interviewing a facial plastic surgeon.  There are many things you need to know if you are considering a facelift. Your surgeon should be compassionate and professional, and forthcoming about his/her background. A good surgeon will only want what’s right for you, and answering your questions is part of that.

Face Lift Consultation Question List

The following five questions are key in identifying a surgeon who is expert in the art and science of facelift surgery. Write them down and bring them with you for your first consultation.

Question #1 – “Are you certified?”

There are several certifying boards for surgeons in Australia, as well as surgical societies of which any given surgeon may be a member. Certification by an organisation such as the AAFPS indicates that a surgeon has completed extensive specialised training and is committed to excellence in the cosmetic enhancement field.

Question #2 – “How many facelifts have you performed?”

Facelift surgery is a challenging medical procedure that requires both technical expertise and aesthetic skill. Expertise and experience are key to optimal results. Sadly, this is one question that causes many patients to get red-cheeked with embarrassment. In fact, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, and even if there were, it’s better to be embarrassed than disfigured.

Question #3 – Who will be a part of my facelift team?”

Facelift surgery is not a one-person operation, figuratively or literally, and success will depend as much on the skill of your support team as your surgeon. Be sure to find out:

  • Who will be assisting during the procedure?
  • What are the qualifications of each member of the team?
  • Who will be administering and monitoring anaesthesia?
  • Is there emergency staff available in case of a problem?
  • Will there be any medical students or interns involved in my care? (This is for surgeries being done at teaching hospitals)

Question #4: “What type of anaesthesia will be used?”

There are three sedation options that exist:

  • General anesthesia – This type of sedation requires highly trained specialists to administer and monitor its effects on the patient.
  • IV sedation – Also known as twilight sleep, this anaesthesia is less dangerous and is appropriate for many single-procedure surgeries.
  • Local anaesthesia – The safest option is usually local anaesthetic. However, many procedures are not possible or advisable with only local anaesthetic.

Question #5:  “What are the risks associated with a facelift?”

Every surgery carries some risk, some of which are common to all surgery. The most serious risks usually have to do with excessive blood loss, infection, or adverse reactions to general anaesthesia. Other risks vary widely from patient to patient and from one procedure to another.